Edge Of Brim Facing When Finished Without Wire
A brim covered with velvet or any fabric may also be finished underneath
without a wire, the edges being slipstitched together. In this case, the
underfacing would be turned under one-fourth inch and pinned in place
all the way around before beginning to sew. Bring the needle through
from underside of facing to the very edge of fold. Place point of needle
directly opposite this stitch and take a small stitch in upper facing,
then take a small stitch in underfacing. Each stitch always begins just
opposite the ending of preceding stitch, so that the thread between the
two facings crosses the seam at right angles to edge of brim. This
method makes the work look smooth, and also it will not pull out of
place; however, this style of finishing an edge is not popular and
requires much practice.