Halo Hat Brims
Halo brims may be made from any fabric, but to be effective the material
should be sheer. Malines, nets, georgette crepe, or chiffon are all used
to good effect in making this style of hat. Good-looking halo brims have
been made from old georgette waists, using the back for the brim and the
front and sleeves for the crown.
Only two wires are used in making this brim, the edge wire and the
headsize wire. T
e size of the brim is to be determined and then a hoop
of sprung wire cut just the length of the circumference of the brim.
This wire is uncovered; the ends just meet and are joined by the use of
a little clamp, the ends being inserted and pressed down with the jaws
of the pliers.
Place the material from which the brim is to be made upon a flat
surface. If of maline, several thicknesses may be used. Fasten this
material down to the table slightly with pins or thumb tacks. Lay a
circle of sprung wire on the material and pin in place. Begin by pinning
the back, front, and then each side, being careful not to pull the wire
out of shape. Take the work up and pin the material closely all around
the edge. Cut off, allowing one-quarter of an inch to turn over the
wire. Sew to the wire closely with an overcasting stitch or with a
running stitch just inside of the wire. The edge may be bound with a
fold of the same material, a fold of satin or one row of braid.