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A Home-made Santa Claus
<p>"Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!" calls out Santa Claus cheerily as the guests come trooping into the room.</p> <p>Laughing and joking, his eyes twinkling with fun, Santa Claus names each person as he hands out the gifts from his fat Christmas b...
A Newspaper Boat Which Will Sail On Real Water
<div> <img src="/images/i023.png" alt="Fig. 25—The newspaper boat made water-proof and sailing on real water." title="Fig. 25—The newspaper boat made water-proof and sailing on real water." height="400" width="499" /> Fig. 25—The newspa...
Christmas-tree Decorations
<div> <table summary="Christmas Tree and Star" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left"><br> <div> <img src="/images/i114.jpg" alt="Fig. 183—The Christmas tree with home-made dec...
Little Twig People
<p>Have you seen the little people who live up in the trees? Little twig people who dance and swing and bob about, who nod and bow and flutter hither and yon; some astride funny twig horses, others dangling head down, many waiting to run a race when ...
Nature Study With Tissue-paper
<p>A natural flower, some tissue-paper, a pair of scissors, a spool of thread, and nimble fingers are all you need.</p> <p>There are no patterns, only circles and squares and strips of paper which you gather here, spread out there, wrap and tie somew...
Old Envelope Toys And How To Make Them
<p>Don't throw away your old envelopes; see what amusing toys can be made of them simply by folding and cutting. No paste or glue is needed, and any one of the toys given here can be made in five minutes or less.</p> <div> <table summary="The Frog...
Paper Building Cards
<p>Make your building cards of ordinary writing-paper. You may have as many cards as you like, though twelve are all that are used to make the things shown in our photographs.</p> <div> <img src="/images/i009a.png" alt="Fig. 1—Cut an oblong out ...
Paper Jewelry
<p>Ordinary brown wrapping paper is the best to use for this paper jewelry. Indeed the pale, creamy yellow of some wrapping paper is much like ivory in color, and the chains and ornaments made of it are really charming.</p> <h3>The Necklace</h3> <p>...
Playing Indians With Costumes Made Of Newspapers
<p>The best framework for a newspaper wigwam can be made of long-handled feather dusters, but long-handled brushes, or poles of any kind you may happen to have, will answer the purpose; all that is necessary is something you can make into a framewo...
<h3><br /> Mother Goose Scrap-Book</h3> <p>The nursery scrap-books made of linen or colored cambric are, perhaps, familiar to most of our readers; but for the benefit of those who may not yet have seen these durable little books, we will give the ...
Straw And Paper Furniture
<p>A handful of straws, such as are used for lemonade and soda-water, several large sheets of writing-paper, and some small-sized pins—these are your materials. A pair of sharp scissors, a ruler marked off into whole, half, and quarter inches, ...
Toys Made Of Common Kindling Wood
<p>Just a glance at a pile of ordinary every-day kindling wood could hardly suggest to one the possibilities existing in the crude material for building all sorts of interesting and realistic things for the little folks, but experiment and you will fi...
Toys Made Of Common Wooden Berry-baskets
<p>Use a one-quart wooden berry-box for the china closet . Turn the empty box facing you, and slide the prongs of a clothespin up through the open crack at the lower right hand of the box. Allow one prong of the clothespin to come on the outside and ...
Toys Of Clothespins
<p>You can make cunning, soft, downy hens and roosters simply of raw cotton and clothespins . The little creatures may be pure white, dark colored, or part dark and part light, according to the cotton used.</p> <div> <img src="/images/i063.jpg" alt="...
Visiting-card Houses
<p>From old visiting cards you can build all the different houses and furniture seen in the accompanying illustrations.</p> <div> <img src="/images/i098.jpg" alt="Fig. 156—The little tropical house in Uncle Sam's newly acquired possessions. Made ...
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What To Make Of Empty Spools
A Newspaper Boat Which Will Sail On Real Water
Little Twig People
Christmas-tree Decorations
Nature Study With Tissue-paper
Toys Of Clothespins
Paper Jewelry
A Home-made Santa Claus
Least Viewed
Paper Building Cards
Visiting-card Houses
Straw And Paper Furniture
Old Envelope Toys And How To Make Them
Toys Made Of Common Kindling Wood
Playing Indians With Costumes Made Of Newspapers
Toys Made Of Common Wooden Berry-baskets