Straw Shapes
BRIM--Brush well to remove all the dust. If the brim is too wide, a few
rows of braid may be removed from the edge, and the edge refinished with
one or more rows of ornamental braid of the same color. If it seems
necessary to use an edge wire, this last row of braid may be made to
cover it, or a bias fold of satin, silk, velvet, or ribbon may be sewed
over the wire.
CROWN--When the crown of a straw hat is found to be too low for the
present style, the crown may be ripped from the brim, a narrow piece of
buckram sewed to the bottom of the crown and then sewed back to the
brim. Of course trimming must be planned to cover up this buckram. If
the crown is too high, a few rows of braid may be removed at the bottom
of the crown, enough to give the desired height.