Sticks For Brim
Straighten and cut four pieces of frame wire the length of the diameter
of the brim plus three inches for finishing. Place one of these sticks
across the headsize wire from front to back on the marks made by the
pencil, allowing the ends to extend an equal length. Fasten to the
headsize wire with tie wire. Place the next stick from side to side,
joining on the pencil marks. The two remaining sticks when placed on the
remaining marks divide the circle into eighths. This is called the
skeleton of the brim; the wires are named front, back, right side,
left side, right side front, right side back, left side front,
left side back. The position of these ends or spokes should correspond
to the creases in the paper pattern, and the length of each one should
be determined by measuring the corresponding crease on the pattern.