Square Crown For Wire Frame
Straighten the brace wire and cut four sticks or pieces long enough to
reach from the base of the crown at the front up over the proposed crown
to the base of the crown at the back, allowing eight inches for
finishing. Cut and join a small circle of brace wire--about three inches
in diameter--for the crown top. Lay the four sticks across this circle
dividing it into eight equal sections as at the beginning of the brim,
and join to the sticks with tie wire. Cut a piece of brace wire one inch
smaller than the headsize wire. Lap the ends and tie this wire. Elongate
slightly. Join to the sticks outside of the small circle. Keep all
lapped ends of circles on the center back spoke. Bend spokes down over
this circle, then measure down from this circle for the height of crown
and mark on spokes with pencil. Be very accurate.