Renovation Of Hat Coverings And Linings
To freshen velvet and raise the pile, brush well to remove the dust.
With the wrong side down, hold it over the spout of a tea-kettle of
rapidly boiling water. An assistant is needed to brush it lightly as it
is passed back and forth over the steam. The great force of the steam
will raise the pile much more quickly than the method of using a damp
cloth over a hot iron. If the velvet after steaming is found to be still
too imperfect or faded to be used on the hat plain, it may be gathered a
half inch apart or more and used either on the crown or the brim, or it
may be mirrored by ironing on the right side with a hot iron, always
ironing lightly one way, using a sweeping motion. Do not let the iron
rest for a second on the material or it will leave a mark.