Pattern For Hat With Rolled Or Close-fitting Brim

The pattern for any hat is first cut from a flat piece of paper. The

headsize is marked as for flat sailor and the headsize wire pinned on.

The pattern is then slashed in to headsize wire from the outside edge,

the slashes lapped over and pinned. If the hat is to be rolled more

closely on one side than on the other, the greater number of slashes

must be placed there. In this way the pattern can be adjusted to any

d shape. It is an advantage sometimes to cut the paper pattern

through in the back, leaving pins in the slashes, and lay out flat on

another piece of paper for a new pattern. This eliminates some of the

slashes and makes further experiments easier. Pattern-making is very

important, and it is of extreme value to make as many patterns as

possible before cutting the foundation fabric. Changing a pattern the

slightest sometimes makes a great deal of difference in its

becomingness. Of course a brim may be changed by adding a slash or two

in the buckram, or by inserting a V shape to give more flare, but the

fewer seams the better for the hat frame. A rolled or close-fitting brim

is more difficult to cover than a sailor or mushroom shape.

