Transparent Hats

If a wire frame is to be covered with thin material, great care and

thought should be given to the frame, for it then forms part of the

design of the hat. A finer wire is sometimes used in this case, or a

beautiful frame may be made for thin materials by using a satin-covered

cable wire, and using as few wires as possible. It may seem advisable

after a wire frame is made to cut away some of the wires.


A round crown is one which rounds from tip to base. First straighten,

measure, and cut four sticks of brace wire, as for square crown, of the

ordinary length, allowing for finishing. Cut and join the ends of a

short piece of brace wire five or six inches long. This makes a small

circle for the top of the crown. Begin by tying the sticks across this

circle under it, dividing it into halves, quarters, and eighths, being

careful that the divisions are made accurately and that the sticks

extend an equal length from the circle. Keep these wires flat across

this circle. The sticks may now be curved down. It is sometimes found

easier to attach the base wire at this point before adding other


