Applied Hem On A Veil

For a hem three inches wide, cut a strip six inches in width and long

enough to reach around the edge of the veil plus three inches for each

corner. It takes that much extra length to mitre a corner of a

rectangular veil.

Fold this strip lengthwise in the middle and baste with fine running

stitches one inch from the fold to hold the fold flat. Measure this

strip at the edge of the veil to locate the place
where the fold must be

mitred at the corners. Cut a V-shaped piece from this fold to within

one-quarter of an inch of the fold. Cut through both thicknesses. Sew

these raw edges together in a seam one-quarter of an inch deep and the

result will be a mitred corner. Each corner should be carefully planned

and mitred before sewing to the veil. Next turn both raw edges down

toward the inside one-quarter of an inch and baste separately. Slip the

edge of the veil between, pin carefully in place, baste and slipstitch

the edges to the veil. Both edges may be stitched at the same time. If

this work is carefully done, the result more than repays the time spent

upon it.

The veil is a very important part of the hat and may be adjusted in any

becoming way. It may form part of the covering of the hat, and is then

arranged in becoming folds toward the back and allowed to fall to any

desired length. It makes a becoming background for the face. Mourning

millinery is not used as much as formerly, but those who desire to

adhere to the custom will find the style little changed.

